Water detection with the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index
mNDWI or NDSI (Normalized Difference Snow Index) is mNDWI = NDSI = (Green-SWIR1) / (Green+SWIR1). The Modified index has increased rejection of land and vegetation features over NDWI.
Xu, H., 2006. Modification of normalised difference water index (NDWI) to enhance open water features in remotely sensed imagery. International journal of remote sensing, 27(14), pp.3025-3033.
Head to the ODC Sandbox (click here) and login with GitHub Open Authorization.
Open the /examples folder.
Open and run the /examples/Landing_Page.ipynb notebook block by block.
In block [2], use the map interface to draw a small area of interest, and select a time frame.
Click "Query Cube" and review the number of tiles that will be accessed. Less than 100 will run quickly.
Run block [3], 'band_indices_aws_landsat8', click on the mNDWI button, and calculate mNDWI for anywhere inside your previous bounds.
Code/Python Notebooks
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