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Estimate Cover Proportions with Fractional Cover
Estimates the average vegetation fractional cover using a linear unmixing technique developed by Juan P. Guerschman (CSIRO). Each pixel is classified as a fraction of bare soil (BS), photosynthetic vegetation (PV) and non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV).
Head to the ODC Sandbox (click here) and login with GitHub.
Open the /examples folder.
Open and run the /examples/Landing_Page.ipynb notebook block by block.
In block [2], use the map interface to draw a small area of interest, and select a time frame.
- Review the number of tiles that will be downloaded and click "Query Cube". Less than 100 will run quickly.
Run block [3], 'band_indices_aws_landsat8', and calculate NDVI for a small region inside your previous bounds.
Code/Python Notebooks
a. Use Cube in a Box to run locally or on AWS
GitHub Resources
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